Breeztel does not currently issue email addresses as a standard to its customers. This is however available on request. For allocation and use of e-mail addresses and mailbox/storage, You accept that you do not own any e-mail addresses that we have given to you. You also accept there may be good reasons why sometimes we may need to change the e-mail addresses.
To prevent ‘spam’ from affecting the operation of our systems and the Broadband Service, we may need to block access to or delivery of any email which appears to be of an unsolicited nature and/or part of a bulk e-mail transmission. We may also use virus screening technology that may result in the deletion or alteration of e-mail and or e-mail attachments. We expect this software to be fully effective but we cannot guarantee that it will always protect you from unsolicited emails or any virus, worm, Trojan horse or similar. We therefore recommend that you install your own anti-virus software.
Where we provide you with email facilities, web hosting or other services that involve us providing storage space on our systems, we may impose limits (which we may vary from time to time) on the storage space we provide to you in order to ensure the quality of the service to you and other users. These limits may relate to the physical amount of web space or the number of mailboxes made available to you, email messages that can be stored and/or the size of any attachments you can send. We may reject or delete material that exceeds the relevant limit. We may also: (a) block receipt of emails to; and/or (b) archive or delete emails and/or attachments from, mailbox accounts which have not been used by you for a reasonable period of time.